Pelvic Health for Men
What happens when your pelvis gets in the way of enjoying life?

- Urinary Incontinence
- Post Prostatectomy
- Urination frequency/urgency
- Hesitant urine stream
- Perineal or pelvic pain
- Painful ejaculation
- Erectile Dysfunction
Understanding Prostatitis
For men under 50, prostatitis is the most common prostrate issue. Older men more often suffer with Hyperplasia.
Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. Symptoms range from fever, chills, burning during urination, genital, or lower back pain (acute bacterial prostatitis) to chronic pelvic pain (chronic non-bacterial prostatitis). Benign Prostate Hyperplasia the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate which causes pressure on the urethra, and can lead to urinary urgency, frequency and difficulty in passing urine. Note: different prostate problems can have similar symptoms
Urine Loss & Painful Occurrences
- Weak, hesitant, and interrupted urine stream
- Urgency, leaking or dribbling of urine
- Urine leak when coughing, laughing, sneezing or while lifting an object
- Sensation of incompletely emptying one’s bladder once urination is finished
- Strong and sudden urge to urinate and not getting to the bathroom in time
- More frequent urination at night
- Pain and discomfort during, or after ejaculation
- Pain between the rectum and the testicles
Getting Started
An appropriate diagnosis from your doctor is the first step. Following that, behavioral or physical therapy is recommended as the first choice for urinary frequency and chronic pelvic pain treatment.
Personalized Care
At the Aurora Center, a physical therapist will conduct an evaluation using specialized equipment to assess your pelvic floor muscles ‘ability to contract and relax. Based on the assessment findings, an appropriate treatment will be created for your specific needs.
Treatment Techniques
- Biofeedback Therapy- A useful and non-invasive adjunct to surgery with no side effects.
- Health Education Learning about bladder health, pelvic floor muscles and normal emptying techniques
- Bladder retraining/Behavior modification
- Proper body mechanics & lifting techniques
- Dietary Changes to avoid bladder irritants
- Kegels Exercises Under the supervision of our specially trained physical therapists, you will learn how to perform exercises to effectively and correctly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles