Your First Treatment Session

Your first Orthopaedic treatment session will last 1½ hours; thereafter, treatments will run for 1¼ to 1½ hours, depending on your diagnosis. We’ll do everything possible to ensure that you are comfortable!

You should arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. Bring a referral from your Doctor and any MRI, CT scan, X-Ray, EMG or operative reports that you may have, for use in filling out your forms. Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable, therapy appropriate clothing* and footwear and bring a list of your medications and drug-related allergies.

Process: With your help, we will build a detailed history of your condition. Your therapist will then conduct a physical examination and based on the findings, a specific treatment plan will be designed specifically for you aimed at restoring pain free movement, strength, and function. At this session, we will also educate you on your condition and on how to prevent injury.

A Healing Partnership Approach: Our experience has shown that understanding the cause of the injury puts the patient in a better position to move ahead and consequently, partner with us in rehabilitation. You, however, will be required to play your part by committing to a home exercise programme, which we will develop for you. The success of your treatment is dependent on your commitment to this programme. Doing your exercises daily, in accordance with your specific exercise plan is key in assisting the reduction of pain, the restoration of physical function, and ultimately facilitates faster healing and allows you to GET MOVING AGAIN.

* A sports bra should be worn if you have a shoulder problem and shorts for knee or hip problems.



Mon & Thurs: 8am-4pm
Tues. 8am-2pm
Fri. 9am-1pm
Closed Wednesday

Aurora Centre